Friday, July 15, 2011

Busy Contest

Is there some kind of memo that went out to the women of the world that we need to outdo each other on our already outrageous schedules? How many times have you been somewhere with a group of ladies and someone (maybe you, yeah you know who you are)starts spouting off about what they've done that day or what they still have to do and the next thing you know beyond in it like some psycho schedule poker game. "Oh really Jane? Well I'll raise you that step class for a 3 mile jog and a batch of cupcakes."
"Don't go there Marie! I already had a pap smear, baked a lasagna and breast fed my maltipoo this morning."
I call these ladies "Listy Lisas." They are never happy unless they can outdo you in all areas of career, motherhood and wifedom.
Don't get me wrong girls, I'm a can-do girl and I admire others who are the same. It's not what's said, it's the self satisfied tone that it's listed in. It's not simply stated as a matter of fact, "Hi Jill, here's what I've going on...", it's an "In your face, Peggy Sue!" kind of thing. For goodness sakes ladies we're not marines, we don't have to get it all done before 8am! Let's mellow out on ourselves ( and eachother) and add going to the beach ,painting our toes, reading a book or *gasp!*the occasional nap to the list once in a while. You wont die, and trust me you make all the "listy lisas" secretly jealous ;)

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